
The Gender and Development Association (GDA) formerly the Gender and Development Group (GDG) and the Women in Development (WID) network, was formed in 1991. A collaboration of the Lao Women’s Union (LWU), UNICEF, with International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs), the WID network focused on women and gender development issues in Lao PDR.

In 1996 the name of WID changed to the “Gender and Development Group (GDG)” in order to more accurately reflect the goals of the network. This includes focusing on both women and men in the area of development.

In 2012 GDG became the Gender and Development Association (GDA) as NPA in Laos PDR and an operation permit was issued on 12th January 2021, No 06/MoHA. Our current international umbrella partner role has been filled by Oxfam-Novib since 2008.

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Our Goal

“Working together towards a life base non-violence and without poverty, with greater equity and empowerment for All”

Our Vision

Be a lead and facilitation body for pursuing gender equality based on non-violence and gender-based discrimination.

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Our Mission

To provide professional support and information on gender and enhance cooperation with development partners toward gender equality.

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