On 30 July 2024, the Gender Development Association (GDA) successfully hosted a workshop on integrating Gender, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) into groundwater management. Key stakeholders, including representatives from the Department of Water Resources, the Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Departments of Natural Resources and Environment in Vientiane Capital and Vientiane Province, the Natural Resources and Environment Offices in four districts (Xaythany, Hatxayfong, Keoudom, and Thoulakhom), and the International Water Management Institute, gathered to share experiences and lessons learned on data collection and community engagement. A total of 22 participants, 15 women and 7 men attended the workshop.

The workshop highlighted key findings from the GEDSI groundwater survey, emphasizing the importance of understanding gender and GEDSI inclusion in groundwater utilization and management. After reviewing survey results presented by GDA, participants discussed lessons learned and identified areas for improvement in future surveys.
Key outcomes include raising awareness about groundwater utilization and management among users, expanding data collection to include diverse areas and target groups, establishing a robust water quality monitoring system and updating the database, and strengthening partnerships to address water-related challenges. The goal is to ensure equitable and universal access to water, including the participation of all groups in its protection and benefits.
Funded by: Flinders University