The result of short films contest promoting and equality rights and titled “Gender and Violence Against.
Women Drama contest” were announced yesterday morning (27th July 2016) with prize given to the winning teams.
The overall winner was Koyhayjao which was acted and produced by the team, Idol and I Do, second place went to, Daddy, Mommy and Me acted and produced by the team, Lego Film Production, While third place went to Okardthilorkoy acted and produced by the team called Gender and Legal Education Group.
The winner received a trophy and grant prize of 3 million kip, second place received 2 million kip, and third place got 1 million kip in prize money.
The others five teams that participated were congratulated and handed 500.000 kip each.
Khoyhayjao was selected as the winning film because it is the best in all aspects and reached the standard of the contest regulation including quality of light, color, sound and time, according to the judges.
The short films contest was a project aiming to promote gender and equal rights, the role of women in society, as well as to develop films industry in Laos.
The project also aimed to anchorage young people especially students, to take part in shooting and producing films, promoting gender equality and preventing violence against women (VAW).
The project also served to remind the public to upload the role of women and children in all areas of life and to recognize the important of their protection and development.
The contest was organize by the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism and the Gender Development Association which support by EU through OXFAM and Co fund by CARE INTERNATIONAL
The contest was began in April with eight teams summiting their short film while judging panel scored and selected the wining team on July 5.
The prize presentation ceremony took place at the Department of Cinema in Vientiane and was attended by Deputy Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism and related parties.